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Repent and Be Saved

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Repent and Be Saved

By Not Alone

Heavy on my heart right now… His return may be soon, but more importantly, not even tomorrow is promised to you- TODAY is the day of salvation! Don’t put it off!!

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me!”  The Bible says to call on the name of the Lord while you may be saved.

ALL have sinned (done wrong things against God’s commands) and fallen short of the glory of God, no one is righteous, not one.

You must repent, which means to turn from your sins and to turn to God, and believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and you will be saved! The gift of God is eternal life!

Salvation can only be found in  Jesus Christ.  Yeshua HaMashiach (in Hebrew).  Jesus the Messiah.

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