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Love Conquers Fear

LOVE CONQUERS FEAR – Andrew Wommack Ministries

John 9:27 “He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would ye hear it again? will ye also be his disciples?”

JOHN 9:6-27

This man showed great courage in confronting these religious leaders. Even Peter later backed down for fear of this same group of men (Lk. 22:54-62). Certainly one thing that gave him this boldness was that he knew what Jesus had done for him. And even beyond the physical healing, he knew that Jesus had healed him because He loved him. It’s our security in the Lord’s love for us that gives us the strength to face rejection from others. As Proverbs 28:1 puts it, “the righteous are bold as a lion.” The antidote for fear of men is a large dose of the love of God.

One of the greatest truths of the Bible and one of the hardest to comprehend, is that we are the objects of God’s love. God didn’t just pity us or feel some sense of moral obligation to save us. He saved us because of His infinite love for us (Jn. 3:16). An experiential understanding of God’s love is the key to being filled with all the fullness of God (Eph. 3:19).

Paul prays in Ephesians 3:19, that we would experience the love of God which passes mere knowledge about it. How can we know the love of God if it passes knowledge? This sounds like a contradiction. It’s not. The knowing is experiencing it. The end result of having understanding and experiential knowledge of God’s love is that we will be filled with all the fullness of God. God’s love is the key that opens the door to everything that God is. God is love (1 Jn. 4:8).

It’s not just a casual acquaintance with God’s love that we need, but an intimate understanding and experiential knowledge of the depths of God’s love. Just as a tree’s roots provide stability and nourishment for the tree, so our revelation of God’s love is the foundation upon which everything else we receive from God is built.

Have A Large Revelation Of Jesus!

Have A Large Revelation Of Jesus! – Joseph Prince Ministries

2 Peter 3:18; …grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…

In the Old Testament, three types of burnt offerings were brought to God. I believe that the rich brought offerings of young bulls (Leviticus 1:3), the not-so-rich brought sheep (Leviticus 1:10) and the poor brought turtledoves. (Leviticus 1:14) Though of varying sizes and values, the different burnt offerings were all accepted as sweet aroma to the Lord. (Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17)

These burnt offerings speak of Jesus and His perfect work at the cross. Today, to bring a “rich” offering means that you have a large revelation of Jesus and His finished work. To bring a “not-so-rich” offering means that you have a smaller revelation of Jesus and His finished work. But whatever the size of the revelation you have of Jesus, God accepts you just the same because Jesus is the only measure of your acceptance before God.

However, God wants you to grow in your revelation of Jesus because your well-being hinges on it. Before that first Passover night, all the children of Israel had received the same Word of God—“when I see the blood, I will pass over you”. (Exodus 12:13) But I believe that some households lived through that night trembling in fear as they heard the loud wails outside their homes, while other households rested in God’s Word, ate their Passover lamb and spent the night rejoicing in His protection, deliverance and love for them.

You see, as long as the households came under the blood, they were all saved, trembling or not! But when they didn’t have a revelation of the power of the blood to save them from the destroyer, fear came in even though the blood availed for them. In the same way, God does not want you to struggle through trying times with fear, apprehension and stress. He wants you to enjoy and rest in a greater revelation of Jesus as your deliverer and salvation.

In 2 Peter 1:2, it says, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you…” God wants you to experience more of His grace and peace in your life. How? The verse continues, “…in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord”. The more knowledge of Jesus you have, the more God’s grace and peace will rest on you!

Get Rid Of Fear

GET RID OF FEAR – Andrew Wommack Ministries

Luke 8:50, “But when Jesus heard it, he answered him saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole.”

MATTHEW 9:23-31; MARK 5:35-43; LUKE 8:49-56

Jesus told Jairus to “believe only,” implying that faith and fear can operate in us at the same time. This is also the reason James tells us not to be double-minded, or to waiver (Jas. 1:5-8). Fear will negate faith. We can have both thoughts of faith and thoughts of unbelief at the same time.

Fear and faith are opposing forces. Fear is actually faith in reverse. Fear is believing something or someone other than God. Therefore, fear makes us subject to satan and his death just as faith makes us recipients of all that God has to offer. This is the reason Jesus told Jairus, “Fear not.” Jairus’ fear would have sealed his daughter’s death.

Instead of trying to build huge amounts of faith to overcome our fears and unbelief, a simpler method is to remove our fears by cutting off their source. Then, our simple “child-like” faith that remains will do the job. It doesn’t take big faith – just pure faith.

Where does fear come from? Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” It doesn’t come from God. The way that fear is able to come upon us is that we take our attention off of Jesus and put it on our situation.

Fear or doubt cannot “just overcome” us. We have to let it in. In the same way that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, fear comes by hearing or seeing something contrary to God’s Word. We would not be tempted with fear or doubt if we didn’t consider things that satan uses to minister that fear and doubt.

Satan tries to distract us with thinking about our problems. No problem is too big for God. We should cast our concern about the problem over on God and just keep our eyes on Jesus, the Word.

How To Cast Out Fear

    How to Cast Out Fear

    Author: Creflo Dollar

    Summary – We must believe the love God has for us. Believing and accepting His love will eliminate fear and boost our confidence in His Word. When we abide in His Word and stay in His presence, He will protect us from hurt, harm, and danger.

    1. Fear brings oppression with it (Isaiah 54:14-17).

        1. God tells us not to fear because He is with us. He has not given us a spirit of fear (Isaiah 41:10, AMP, 2 Timothy 1:7).

            1. He will strengthen us and harden us against the difficulties of life.

              1. We will begin to notice certain problems no longer affect us.

              2. No weapon formed against us shall prosper.

            1. We must do our part and believe that God loves us (1 John 4:15-18).

              1. If we do not believe God’s love for us, we will not believe His Word.

              1. Jesus said the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and the second is like it—to love our neighbor as ourselves.

                1. Many people rebel against this commandment because they believe God hates them (Deuteronomy 1:26, 27).

                2. In the Old Testament, righteousness was obtained through works.

                3. When we become born again, we accept the blood of Jesus, which makes us righteous by our faith in His blood.

                4. We accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior with the knowledge that His death, burial and resurrection signify our freedom.

                5. We cannot earn this righteousness; God gives it to us freely, by grace.

                  1. Our works—serving God, tithing, being faithful in church attendance—will not make us righteous.

                    1. However, as righteous people, we do these things to honor God.

                  2. Love must be the motivation for everything we do.

                  1. Where there is fear in our lives, love has not been perfected.

                    1. Perfect love casts out fear. God is love.

                      1. When we refuse to fear, satan cannot operate in our lives.

                        1. Words that contradict God’s Word bring fear, which brings torment.

                        2. Wherever there is fear, there is unbelief.

                        3. If we do not study God’s Word, we will not be able to recognize contradictions to the Word of God.

                        4. Do not allow popular culture or society to determine what you think.

                        5. Instead, continue to align your thinking with the Word of God.

                    1. Dwell in the secret place of the Most High God (Psalm 91:1-16).

                        1. To dwell means to live in a particular place.

                          1. When you are in the presence of God, you are in the secret place of the most high, El-Elyon.

                          2. God’s truth is His Word; make it personal.

                          3. We do not have to fear anything the enemy throws at us.

                          4. A thousand shall fall at our sides and ten thousand at our right hands, but it shall not come near us.

                          5. God will deliver us because we know His name.

                        Scripture References

                      • Isaiah 54:14-17

                      • Isaiah 41:10, AMP

                      • 2 Timothy 1:7

                      • 1 John 4:15-18

                      • Deuteronomy 1:26, 27

                      • Psalm 91:1-1

                      Time in a Bottle

                       PRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN – Upstream Ministries, California


                       “Time in a Bottle”

                      March 24, 2013

                       An old song came to mind as the Lord said “time in a bottle”.

                       It was like a love song God was singing to us tenderly. He did design us to spend eternity with Him.

                       “There is no one else like you, and there is no one else like Me. I value the time we spend together. I’m always looking forward to you talking to Me, and spending time with Me. I love watching you play. I love watching you enjoy your children and grandchildren and I love you celebrating LIFE. I created you to enjoy life. It was sin that made life hard and burdensome. I love holding you in My arms of love, even when you can’t feel Me, I am there.

                      So rest in ME beloveds, despite all the turmoil and winds of fear blowing, and the actual winds of destruction. I know what is best for you. Quiet yourself and listen for My voice. Be aware of My presence, that you can hear My instructions. For only I know what is coming. The forecast seems bleak, but TRUTH and LIGHT will prevail over the darkness that is arising. As it arises, My light will shine ever the more brightly from within you. I’m not asking for you to strive. I’m asking for you to come away with ME, and find rest for your souls.

                      Fear will only cause stress and strife. Come inward into Me. Look for Me within, and rest in the shadow of My wings. Lay all your burdens down at My feet. Lay all the worries at the cross, and leave them there. REFUSE to worry. Refuse to give in to the clamor of the enemy’s voices. For they are many in this hour. Give your heart a rest, on My chest. I will care FOR you.

                      I am in process of rooting out some deeply seated unbelief in hearts that have been battered and worn. I WILL come through for you. I WILL provide what you need. NOT what you want always, but what you need to do the work I’ve called you to do. I want for you to walk in the light as I am in the light. I want for you to be a follower, not to lead Me. You are followers of Christ you proclaim, so follow, don’t take the lead. Let me lead, and guide you and show you the best way to go. You can’t even get direction if you don’t spend time at My feet. So come to ME when your heart is weary and don’t be swayed by the opinions of others.

                      I am here for you, and I will always be here for you. I love you as no other can love you. I know every hair on your head. I know everything about you. So who better is there to take all your concerns to? Only don’t fret over them, just turn them over to ME, and ALLOW ME to work on the problem.

                      TRUST doesn’t come easy for some of you I know. But there is only one way to learn, and that is to take the first step and wait, and trust in ME. I am here for you and will show you the way to go.

                      In the garden, alone with Adam and Eve, I walked with them, and talked with them. I came to restore that communication with mankind, that relationship. It was lost in the garden, but alas, I have made you, My church, My garden of reknown, and remember how Mary thought she found the gardener and it was Me, her Lord and Savior ? I am the perfect gardener. I nurture and care for the flowers and plants of all kinds in My Garden. I water My spices, and I water My flowering plants. I water My trees, and shrubs, My fruit trees and My berry bushes. All plants are vital to life. Thus so are you vital to My plan. So don’t let the enemy make you think I’ve forgotten you, or neglectful of you, or have or will pass you by. I will not leave you out of anything. I am here for you, and I want you to be there for Me as well, listening for My voice, for My instructions.

                      I want you to be obedient as Joseph was, when the angel told him to flee Bethlehem, he obeyed and fled. He didn’t balk at My instructions. So must you be ready to be obedient to do anything I tell you. So listen and know that I have your best interest in mind, I have good things for you. I am a Good Father who gives good gifts to His children. And like a Good Father, I also protect My children, by leading them out of harms way when necessary, and leading them away somewhere else when I still have work for them to do.

                      To be THAT obedient, you know you must lay more of self down and pick up MY plan. That dying to self is not easy. But it is vital to the plan. It is vital to you fulfilling the call on your life. I have the way planned. So listen beloveds, and do not avoid time spent with Me. I love you and am here, even when you can’t feel ME. Cling to ME beloveds. Cling to ME.”  

                      Time In A Bottle Lyrics

                      Songwriters: Croce, James

                      If I could save time in a bottle

                      The first thing that I’d like to do

                      Is to save every day

                      Till Eternity passes away

                      Just to spend them with you

                      If I could make days last forever

                      If words could make wishes come true

                      I’d save every day like a treasure and then,

                      Again, I would spend them with you

                      But there never seems to be enough time

                      To do the things you want to do

                      Once you find them

                      I’ve looked around enough to know

                      That you’re the one I want to go

                      Through time with

                      If I had a box just for wishes

                      And dreams that had never come true

                      The box would be empty

                      Except for the memory

                      Of how they were answered by you

                      But there never seems to be enough time

                      To do the things you want to do

                      Once you find them

                      I’ve looked around enough to know

                      That you’re the one I want to go

                      Through time with

                      GET RID OF FEAR

                      GET RID OF FEAR – From our Lord Jesus, given to Andrew Wommack

                      Luke 8:50, “But when Jesus heard it, he answered him saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole.”

                      MATTHEW 9:23-31; MARK 5:35-43; LUKE 8:49-56

                      Jesus told Jairus to “believe only,” implying that faith and fear can operate in us at the same time. This is also the reason James tells us not to be double-minded, or to waiver (Jas. 1:5-8). Fear will negate faith. We can have both thoughts of faith and thoughts of unbelief at the same time.

                      Fear and faith are opposing forces. Fear is actually faith in reverse. Fear is believing something or someone other than God. Therefore, fear makes us subject to Satan and his death just as faith makes us recipients of all that God has to offer. This is the reason Jesus told Jairus, “Fear not.” Jairus’ fear would have sealed his daughter’s death.

                      Instead of trying to build huge amounts of faith to overcome our fears and unbelief, a simpler method is to remove our fears by cutting off their source. Then, our simple “child-like” faith that remains will do the job. It doesn’t take big faith – just pure faith.

                      Where does fear come from? Second Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.” It doesn’t come from God. The way that fear is able to come upon us is that we take our attention off of Jesus and put it on our situation.

                      Fear or doubt cannot “just overcome” us. We have to let it in. In the same way that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, fear comes by hearing or seeing something contrary to God’s Word. We would not be tempted with fear or doubt if we didn’t consider things that Satan uses to minister that fear and doubt.

                      Satan tries to distract us with thinking about our problems. No problem is too big for God. We should cast our concern about the problem over on God and just keep our eyes on Jesus, the Word.

                      (40 unread) – yesjesus01 – Yahoo! Mail